"Expressing Desires and Welcoming Abundance" - Audio class (featured guest speaker on T.P.C.)

I am excited to finally be able to share with you the recording of the talk I gave in Chodesh Tishrei (during Aseres Yemei Tshuva) as guest speaker on the Tefillah Prayer Circle - Chaya Sara Gurewicz. Topic : Expressing Desires - in that Hashem wants us to have abundance.... this is what geulah is all about...we just have to "want it".  click here for recording   Enjoy!

As well, Chaya Sara invites all to sign up to the Tefillah prayer circle for free to  hear live the once monthly inspirational guest lectures on many different angles and perspectives on women's Tefillah - each month a new dimension. Click here :  tefillahprayer.wordpress.com to sign up free.

Brocha Lipszyc