Ladies, Lets Run With It! (2 video clips)

Today is Koach Nissan – the monumental day firmly etched in the memories of everyone who was alive at that time , 27 years ago, when the Rebbe declared “I have done everything I can to bring Moshiach, now I leave it in your hands”.


Excerpts From the famous Chaf Ches (koach) Nissan Sicha of Nun Alef

(this is a literal translation of Ois Vav of the famous sicha, from Dvar Malchus)

According to what is said above, through emphasis  of the geulah (being auspicious) specifically in our days, it arouses the biggest wonder : How is it possible that, notwithstanding all the things that we’ve done, we still have not brought about the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu b’poel mamash?!...something that is not understood at all!!!!
And an added wonder is that we are gathered here, (for sure) ten Jews together, and kal vchomer tens of Jews gathered together, in a time that is auspicious regarding the geulah! Yet even though this is true, we are not tumulling to cause the coming of mashiach immediately, and it’s not possible (it doesn't bother ), in the minds of these yidden, Rachmana L’tzlan, that Moshiach didn’t come this very night, and also tomorrow Moshiach won’t come , and even after tomorrow Moshiach Tzidkeinu won’t come, Rachmana L’tzlan???!
Also, (even) when they do shout out “Ad Massai”, it's only because they are commanded to do so etc. If only they would intentionally plead and cry out in truth, for sure Moshiach would have already come!!
What more can I do, in order to get  that every Jew should scream out and cry in truth, and cause Moshiach to come b’poel? After all that was done till now, it didn’t help, and the proof is that we are still found in galus, and more importantly, in an internal galus in regards to the service of Hashem!
The one thing I could do – is to give over this concept to you: 
Do everything you can within your abilities to deal  in inyanim that are in the manner of lights of Tohu– but with the tools of tikkun (ruchnius)– to bring b’poel the geulah amitis and complete, immediately, mamash!
And it should be Hashems will that we should find at least ten Jews who will insist that they are ready to be poel by Hashem – and for sure they will be poel by Hashem – like it says “Am Kshei Oref Hu”, this is for a maalah, and therefore, we have forgiveness for our sins, transgressions etc. – to bring in actuality, the true and complete geulah, immediately mamash.
And yet today, 27 years later, Moshiach has still not made his grand appearance! Ad Massai! What can we do – we did everything we can, didn't we?
But did we ? Maybe we should take a closer look at the instructions the Rebbe left us with...perhaps we need to open our eyes a little wider, really hear the Rebbe, and grasp what it is that we have been empowered to do – particularly we, the Nashim Tzidkaniyos, who will be credited with bringin the geulah - and run with it!
Let's examine what is that the Rebbe telling us here, in regards to  utilizing the lights of Tohu with the Keilim Of Tikkun

What are the lights of Tohu and the Keilim of Tikkun?

Tohu & Tikkun: (Kabbalistic terms; lit. "chaos" and "rectification"); Kabbalah explains that at the beginning of creation, the world was in a spiritual condition called Tohu (chaos), an elevated realm of spiritual existence which lacked the balance and order that characterizes our frame of reference and which therefore “collapsed.” in an event called shevirat hakeilim – the breaking of the vessels, when the light departed from them.

This “break” was planned by G-d in the first place, for it was a “destruction for the purpose of building,” since only then could there exist the orderly world we are familiar with, the world of tikkun ("rectification" or "order"). This world possesses lesser lights, but the vessels are plentiful. The sparks of holiness that “fell” when the vessels were broken are hidden within various parts of our world, and awaiting their “correction” through man’s Divine service.

In simple words

There are very holy lights that Hashem wants to reveal to the universe, which when properly contained, would reveal a perfect world, where G-d could feel totally at home in full revealment, without creation being nullified out of existence.

It took thousands of years of Torah study and doing mitzvoth, plus life experience, for mankind to develop this capacity. Today, the Rebbe tells us , we finally have the vessels to contain these brilliant, holy lights, and so our avoda is to finally engage in them to the greatest extent possible, finally redeeming and revealing the holiest sparks into the universe, in order to finalize the last aspects of our mission to make this world into a comfortable home for G-d!

Food for thought? Is it possible that the reason that the Rebbe gave it to us, and he could not do it, is because this avoda is only doable by the beinonim – the foot soldiers at the forefront – the average man on the street - the you and me ? I believe so .

Also please note the date – Koach Nissan! This is no coincidence. In fact, the Rebbe elaborates on the significance of this date, because what the Rebbe was saying was that we are going to be the ones to bring Moshiach, and not to fear that we didn’t have what it takes, because with this sicha, the Rebbe was empowering us with the Koach to do so! And through continuously, consciously connecting to the Koach of the meshaleach, we will BEH be able to take it to the finish line! We have what it takes! Let’s do it!

In the next few blogs,  I present to you a few articles which I hope will  be helpful in conveying what the avoda/mission of revealing the lights of Tohu with the Keilim is really all about. Please take the time to read carefully, digest, and bring the clarity with you, better fortified with the knowledge and kochos to do your part in bringing about the geulah shleima b’karov, teikef umiyad mamash!

Please note, the lights of Tohu are very complex and multifaceted, and thus the practical takeout messages presented in the next few blogs are just a sampling of what this avoda is all about.

Brocha Lipszyc