Musings After Gimel Tamuz by ND Zweibel


24 years have passed since the day we saw the Rebbe physically no more

Yet he is with us no doubt always, even more than before.

He left us with clear instructions, beginning 28 Nissan- Do all that you can to get the job done.

I've done what i can do, Now its all up to you, each and everyone.


Another clue was given to us with the Rebbe's handing out of the maamar Ve'Atah Tetzaveh.

Hashem tells the yidden to bring the oil, not to Aharon first, but to Moshe

Koach Nissan began, Heichaltzu ended, the era of a vision being expressed,

By the Rebbe to his Chassidim- encompassing a time period where we felt we were truly blessed!


We expected Moshiach each moment, a reality to be realized.

The Rebbe's words spurred us on..the vision of Moshiach was about to be actualized.

Gimmel Tamuz took us by surprise and many began to feel confusion

Was Moshiach real? Was Geulah true? Was it all just an illusion?


Part 2

24 years later, i have gone through many a phase.

From  Disconnect, to Apathy, to Searching, to Awareness while seeking 

To find my unique place.

It is with humble gratitude that i share my personal understanding that has given me inner peace.

Although, the path of growth in awareness and  

Expression never does cease.


The role of Moshe is to ignite inside us a deep internal faith in Hashem.

The Rebbe's teachings do this through reframing our perception of Him.

Hashem loves us as an only child born after many a year.

Hashem loves us no matter what- Bond with him through love, never fear.

Rather, Awe and Reverence of Hashem is the other wing

When we need a Refuah, Hashem responds faster when we rejoice and sing.


Part 3

Now that the Rebbe has restored our faith in Hashem we are able to more fully embrace,

The idea that Hashem is guiding us and holding us throughout the challenges and trials we face.

Still why did Moshe the oil receive

When the final act of kindling was for Aharon to achieve?


The Rebbe says that we, the foot soldiers, take the head where it cannot go alone

What CAN we still do for the Moshe of our generation, haven't we moved every stone?

Going back to koach nissan, the malady, the Rebbe did highlight  before he gave us our instructions in an attempt of our actions to ignite.

He said the place to begin is in our internal limitations- Golus Pnimi.

We can achieve personal redemption through harnessing unbound energy.


What does this mean practically to me and you?

How can we really comprehend what the Rebbe had been referring to?

Lets combine the two ideas above to have a deeper understanding

Perhaps we can derive  comfort from what the Rebbe seemed to be demanding.


Internally, we carry all sorts of beliefs about life, ppl, ourselves and circumstance

However there is a common factor, these beliefs really encompass the question- is life designed by Hashgocha Protis or by chance.

When through our Moshe, we strengthen our faith in Hashem, where we SEE Him in every detail in our lives

We are eradicating our false beliefs,  our Golus Pnimi one by one, and for Geulah Pnimi we strive.


Now as we do this, we prepare ourselves to receive all the abundance that Hashem yearns to bestow

And Personal Geulah is living a life of delight and pleasure with Hashem, as the limiting beliefs we completely let go.

This takes Moshe of our generation, the Rebbe,  where he could not go on his own

For now we prepare for the vision that the Rebbe so lovingly painted for us- his yearnings are known.


To clarify, the Rebbe was pleading with us to let go of limiting beliefs.

They hinder our true pure relationship with Hashem- so them we need to release.


Part 4

These beliefs come from experiences in our childhood and our  false truths, become

Until the day when our questions about Hashem's ways reach a point of our wanting to G-d forbid succumb.

At the lowest point, we call out to Hashem in despair

Then we find out, He has always been standing with us, right there.


He sends messages through teachers, friends and even strangers on the street,

As our eyes are opened and words ring true with everyone we meet.

This is the point when our deepest truth is ready to emerge

Through this new found awareness, a deeper renewed faith in Hashem inside us does surge.


This happens through koach of the Moshe Rabbeinu which inside every one of us is found.

As years of misconceived notions  can easily be erased and chains become unbound.


Now, our newly discovered truth takes everything we've known and transforms it completely.

Allowing for a complete revamp of our circumstances- living a Geuladig reality.

The result is that we exude a radiance of deep inner  tranquility and knowing Hashem's love.

Attracting others to explore their still existing questions of Hashem up above.


Each time a person discovers their deepest truth, a piece of the Torah is liberated,

Then through this, Hashem's love for us is understood in a whole new light and the Shechina herself is exonerated.

The vision of final Geulah is for every being - all of mankind to recognize Hashem as their personal King.

Through getting to know Hashem's love personally, and spreading it to others, the final Geulah we help bring!

Brocha Lipszyc