The difference between ‘G-d is All,’ and “All is G-d"

The second topic of this eye-opening letter explains briefly yet clearly a basic teaching of chasidus – the making of an abode for G-d in this lowest physical world. The letter, written originally in English, is from the archives of the Rebbe’s trusted secretary Rabbi Nissan Mindel.

By the Grace of G-d
Shushan Purim, 5712
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Brooklyn 13, N.Y.

Greeting and Blessing
In reply to your letter, briefly:


2) The difference between ‘G-d is All,’ and “All is G-d,’ is in the approach and deduction.

In the first instance, our starting point is G-d, and through study and research we can deduce that G-d’s Being is revealed in material and natural things. Our study of the Unity of G-d and His other attributes will lead us to recognizing the same attributes in nature and the world around us, the practical results of which find expression of unity among mankind and the practice of G-d’s precepts as the proper application of G-d’s attributes in our own life, etc.

One who sets out on this path dedicates himself wholly to communion with G-d. He is averse to all material aspects of life, including even the bare necessities connected with his physical wellbeing, and tries to avoid them as much as possible. Being engaged in spiritual communion with G-d, he considers all material and physical necessities, even those permitted by the Torah, as a hindrance in his consecrated life. However, his intelligence convinces him that the material and physical world is but an expression of the Divine Being, and that in them, too, G-d is to be found. Hence he serves G-d even while engaged in the unavoidable material aspects of life, and does so with joy, inasmuch as it is in them and through them that he recognizes the greatness of the Creator and they help strengthen his unity with G-d.

In the second part of the statement ‘All is G-d,’ the starting point is the outer shell of the universe and all material things in it, a study of which will lead to the conclusion that there is cosmic unity in the whole world and that there is a Divine ‘spark’ vitalizing everything, and consequently One creator.

Thus we have two ways in the service of G-d, of which the first is the easier one, while the second leads to better fulfillment of the objective – to make this lowest physical world an abode for G-d.


With all good wishes,

Brocha Lipszyc