From Sarah Imeinu There is so much to Learn

Sarah Imeinu

Imagine going to Israel for the first time ever,
Do you think that it would be at all clever,
To join a five star guided tour,
Or on your own would you explore?

For Jewish women always, and especially today,
Sarah Imeinu is the best guide because she paved the way.
When faced with challenges, to her we turn.
From Sarah Imeinu there is so much to learn.

The key to Sarah's everlasting success,
Was that she was a true princess.
Sarai, which means "my princess", is how Avraham called his wife.
It was changed to Sarah - "princess of all", later in life.

To be heard, she didn't have to shout or scream,
She worked with her husband as a team.
While about monotheism he taught the men,
In her regal way, she influenced the women.

(Every woman is Hashem's princess who deserves love and care,
When she receives it, she can reach her potential, it is clear.
A surprise treat or compliment seems like a small gesture,
But it gives her the fuel to constantly nurture.

When like a princess the woman does act,
Her soulmate, her husband she does attract.
Self care is important for you and me,
When we use it to serve Hashem and be the best we can be.

If you want to feel like a princess, here is a start:
Welcome in the Shabbos Queen with all your heart!
Light your Shabbos candles happily and early.
It will bring calmness and serenity to your family.)

When Hashem commanded her husband, Avraham, to go,
With complete faith in Hashem she did follow.
In the place of Cana'an, a famine they did face.
Nevertheless, the challenge she did embrace.

As they crossed the famous Nile River,
Avraham saw Sarah's reflection in the water.
He was reminded of her beauty, which was secondary,
To her spiritual beauty, which was primary.

The Egyptians were great at science and technology,
But they lacked the basic rules of morality.
Avraham had a plan A and B,
So that they could fulfill their mission and return safely.

"... Avram came to Egypt," the Torah does state,
From here we learn that Plan A was to hide Sarah in a crate.
Plan B was to say that she was his sister, not his wife,
So that the Egyptians would give him gifts instead of ending his life.

To marry Sarah, Avraham asked for a price unaffordable,
Not realizing that Pharaoh could pay any price imaginable!
For treating Sarah as a nameless woman,
Through her protecting angel, Pharaoh's household was smitten.

Why did Avraham risk putting her in a situation so dangerous?
How could he think of material gain if he was so selfless?
Avraham and Sarah are compared to a body and soul,
They worked together towards one goal.

The reason why this world, Hashem did create,
Was so that the physical we could elevate.
This power was given especially to the women,
Who elevate the most physical to raise their children.

Sarah extracted holiness from Egypt for her children's sake.
Physical and spiritual wealth, out of Egypt, they'd take.
Avraham knew she was superior to him, so he didn't worry,
Of Hashem's protection he knew Sarah was worthy.

In the body is where G-d's essence does shine.
A women's physical beauty she could elevate to the Divine.
Therefore, in the Mishkan, Hashem did choose,
To have the wash basins made of the mirrors that the women did use.

During the week we enjoy physical pleasures for the sake of heaven,
While they are elevated automatically on day seven!
Seven represents the feminine energy.
The Shabbos Queen elevates beauty and tasty, naturally.

The soul wants to stay close to Hashem's glory,
But it can only achieve when it comes down into a body.
The soul's descent is for one purpose only:
So that it could achieve a higher ascent ultimately.

When Moshiach comes the soul will be nurtured by the body.
Over the masculine, the feminine will have superiority.
Let us learn from Sarah to get in touch with our energy!
The crown of her husband every woman will be!

Written By Chanie Gourarie Biblical Woman Poems

Abraham & Sarah by Mrs. Chana Slavaticki
Lesson 2: Body and Soul - Man and Wife
Lessons 1-2 by Mrs. Brocha Lipszyc

Brocha Lipszyc