15 Steps of the Seder - InnerQueen Malchus Style!

By Penina Efune


Kadesh - Make sacred space

Urchatz - Clean up your mind

Karpas - Selfcare , veg (guf) in water (bath, swim, jacuzzi etc)

Yachatz - Be vulnerable

Maggid - Talk and share

Rachtza - Cleanse , Reflect review

Motzi - Bring out your gifts/talents allow them to flow

Matza - with authenticity

Maror - allow for challenges, difficult stuff that's come up for healing

Korech - Life is a sandwich of a variety of moments that we harmonize and blend together

Shulchan Aruch - Abundance - Mindfully Enjoy Life!!

Tzafun - Let hidden stuff emerge, as we get to deal with/heal deeper layers.

Borech - Bless Hashem

Hallel - Give Him praise and thanks

Nirzah - Know that all this brings great pleasure to Hashem

We are fulfilling our purpose in Creation transforming the Animal Soul and World into a Dirah B'tachtonim.

Brocha Lipszyc