YOU are your own answer and healer!

Written by Chanie Volovick

Inside each and every one of us is a perfect, brilliant, all knowing soul that has all the answers we need.

True healers shine a light into that truth and awaken our belief in our own wisdom and knowing that we all are born with.

True healing happens when we find that spark inside and go there for answers, go there for guidance and go there for


When we are so shut off from our soul, we may need to try many avenues of outside support to inspire and encourage us not to give up, to

Keep holding on, keep moving forward. To remind us of this light we have inside. Because the journey to get there can be lonely, scary, and frightening. Breaking down other people’s ideas, beliefs and lies. Old stories, traumas and shame. All

Of which are not who we are. Which is why it feels so off. The dirt around our soul feels wrong because it is. It’s not who we are. It is only blocking us from reaching our own sparkling whole diamond inside, our soul. Our soul is truth, peace, love and light. Wholeness.

At the end of the day there is no thing, no book, no therapist, no diet and no nothing that can ever know what your soul needs, what your soul says ,but you. Because you are the only one living in your body, the only one who can ever truly feel and know what your path is.


Move towards things that bring you closer to your own soul. Walk away from things that take you away from it. You and only YOU are your own answer and healer.

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