Parshat Chayei Sarah Reflections....

By Sara Schwartz

I've been thinking a lot about this week's Torah portion and it's connection to me and my role as a Jewish woman. 


In this week's Parsha, Sarah passed away and Abraham mourns her death and buys her a burial spot. 


The Zohar explains that Sarah represents our Bodies,

and Abraham represents our Souls. 


So when Abraham was mourning for his beloved Sara,

the SOUL was essentially mourning the unification with the BODY. 


In Judaism, our bodies are so holy and so essential to our service of God! 


Especially as women, we have a sacred obligation to truly take care of our bodies, and tune into what we need physically, emotionally and mentally. Only when our vessel is whole, can we be there to receive the rest of our family. 


As women we represent the Shabbat, When we take a break from our work and really connect to ourselves and our creator. 


Since our mother Sarah, and continued by her daughter in law Rivka, Jewish women have been welcoming Shabbat with lighting candles every Friday night. 


We as women are the ones that welcome this holy, special day, because WE ARE essentially Shabbat! 


We are Holy, Whole, Beautiful Beings, and we don't need to WORK to PROVE our WORTH. 


We can be present in each moment, connecting to our loved ones and to ourselves, Knowing we are whole and Holy. 


These are ideas I've been thinking about recently as I work throughout the day. I don't need to work to prove my worth, I work because I want to express the essential beautiful light that I already have inside of me. 


As I paint to work on my Chanukah collection, I keep it returning to this thought, so that my paintings come from an essential, whole place. 


I'm excited to share them with you on December 4th! 


I'm sending to you a virtual blessing, that you really feel your wholeness, and holiness, and from that peaceful place you shine your light. 




Love, Sara Schwartz

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