Don't Ignore Your Body - Mishpatim

Don't Ignore Your Body - Mishpatim

By Rabbi Ben A.

"If you see the donkey of your enemy collapsing under its load and are inclined to desist from helping him, you shall surely help along with him"—Exodus 23:5.

The Hebrew word for "donkey" (chamor) is related to the word for "physicality." So this week's portion – besides for instructing us in upright and compassionate conduct, helping the donkey of one's enemy with its load – also describes the relationship we ought to have with our own physical selves.

Our objective is not to eradicate our physical drives, but to align them more with G‑d's will

So, let's re-read the above quote with this new perspective in mind.

"If you see your physicality as your enemy..."

This describes the trap that many of us, as spiritual seekers, fall into. We often view our own physicality as an obstacle to spiritual growth. The verse begins by describing this attitude of disdain for the body—that "your physicality" is "your enemy."

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Brocha Lipszyc